New Guests Feedback & Reviews Page

We have partnered with to bring reviews to the site and make it easier for guest to give us feedback and add their own reviews. The reviews are aggregated from all sites on the net including TripAdvisor and now even our own website with the new Guests Feedback & Reviews Page. It means guests do not have to laeve our site to see reviews that include a text summary and also jshow what the reviewer is talking about.

What is different is that they are animated with video and high resolution graphics and posted out to the HolidayHotel.Reviews network and our own Social Media. That means our guest and people looking for a villa resort will see reviews in a visual way that will show them just how lovely poinsettia villa apartments really are.

For example in this review by a recent guest, location was their number one feature. As they say it was central to all they wanted to do and a great place to back to for an bit of a siesta before going off to dine and see the Saint lucia nightlife. s we say “It is a great Place to come home to!”

Based on their comments animated, with a map video and photos, the places they liked to visit, so that you can see how central Poinsettia really is. The video is really helpful to guests looking to stay in a villa or apartment resort of good quality that is central to beaches and adventures. We have seen an increase in engagement on our network on these videos.

Please leave us a your comments and feedback at

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